Saturday, December 1

Progress report

Step 3:
We had to do a call out sheet. That means show the textures, pattern, fabric , color and all that information on a sheet explaining where you wanted this material. This is very helpful to get reference for so you can have a general idea what you have to do to make it look like this. Reference is your friend. ;p
So since I had 3 characters I did 3 call out sheets.

Step 4:
Next I did  a rough block out of the environment I wanted to make. With  very rough geo as my characters.

Step 5:
With that I then added in the camera moves I wanted. This was a bit difficult for me because I wanted to tell a story with my modeling. So I had to get the right moves to make it be told. I am still trying to fix it.

I am currently making the row boat now for my modeling. I havent decided if I am going to use all Maya or some Z brush in there.

Sunday, November 25

First step in demo reel

So my 2nd year at VFS and this time in Animation and 3D modeling. With that here are my first few steps at creating my new demo reel for graduation.
Now:Week 6

Step 1: Getting an idea. 
Easier said then done. With so many ideas out there it was hard enough to find an idea that would be creative enough, push your skills and test you and be interesting to look at. It also had to be unique enough to catch people attention and hold it.
We had to come up with 3 ideas, all my 3 I really liked and hope I can do them one day. Even though one was an animation about an alien .lol
But the idea I came up with was a Steampunk pirate with a pet mechanical parrot and octopus. I wanted the style semi real but with stylized  look to it .Ex: she will have a large head and more slim , defined body line, realistic cartoony. So shall see.

Step 2: Designing that idea.
So this is the fun creative part. Coming up with the whole concept art and design. From character background story(which I still have to do), color design(still have to do) , character concept art, style, mood, environment , details and more.
With that in mind here is my first step at my female pirate. Note: I want her to look more rugged and strong, like she has been in battles and fights. And her clothes will look more worn and tattered and dirty. She will have an awesome sword too and maybe more weapons on her.

I am open for feedback and ideas. But over all for my first attempt at designing her I like it. Her face and body shape most likely will change as well as some tweak of outfit and color.
Now to do her pets.

See ya in a few weeks.

Wednesday, April 25

Vancouver FanExpo

Vancouver finally had its very first comic con here April 21st-22nd. And I loved it. 
I was smart and pre-ordered the day they sold them because I just wanted to go that badly lol.
I went both days and I found that after going to this and having gone to PAX 3 times in Seattle that there is much improvement for our first con in Vancouver but again it was their first one so they have a lot to learn still. 
I guess the things to fix: More panels its a Fan Expo there should be more guest and more things to do of everything PAX which is just games had more panels, there was only one gaming panel at Fan Expo, but maybe cause guest were unsure about our first con. They sold out all 2 days. There are a lot of geeks in Vancouver ;p

Bigger rooms, it was very crowded in with main hall for shopping ,artist alley and guest.
More info , if you didn't get a schedule at the start you had no idea (not that I could see) where things were going on and what. 
 Contest, cosplay contest maybe even a stage show those are always fun.

What I loved. I loved seeing the Batmobile again. I was sad it cost so much. 

And same with Adam West and Burt Ward, love them but as a broke student I cant throw $100 for a photo. Sigh, maybe when I become famous one day (hahah) I can afford it.

I loved all the cosplay. 

I dressed up as Harley Quinn and was thrilled to see more Harley's there new and old and so many amazing costume. (Catwomen, Ivy, Thor, Shepard, Jokers) 
The panels I went to I enjoyed most were the artist duel they were awesome to listen to and their work was amazing even though I didnt win at any. And the Reboot panel was great to go too.
The Canadian Video Game Awards was interesting for my  first time going to one of these. it was fun:)
Over all I had a lot of fun and will defiantly go again next year.

Monday, March 26

Alter Ego

Who are you when you are not you? Are you yourself or someone else you want to be. Or be someone that they want you to be. Naturally you should be who you are and not be one cent less. 
But in art class we got to draw our alter ego. So the shy, timid me decided that deep down I was the sleek, catty Catwoman.
I have no idea why it turns it to the side when I corrected it several times on my computer. Messed up, but oh well. This drawing took me almost a whole day to finish. So much shading.

I like her outfits so much, I would love to cosplay as Catwoman and deciding what outfit to make would be the hardest but I think I like the newest one.

Monday, February 20

Mass Effect 3

I am so excited I can't even tell you how much. Haha. I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2 and the fact that a 3rd one will be coming out March 6th I am thrilled. I have pre-ordered it and hopefully will be getting the collectors edition. 
I played the Demo recently and I am in love with it from the graphics to bringing the characters back to the new multiplayer added on. Epic art!

Sunday, February 5

Cosplay Harley Quinn

I recently went to a photo shoot in Vancouver as Harley Quinn. It was a lot of fun and let me get a little creative in Harley Quinn style.  Dave Mac took these fun photos and edited them.Thanks !
Just throw a few on here. I really miss cosplaying and I cant wait to start sewing again. I am really getting inspired by comic books. And hope I can keep it up. I am thinking Catwomen or another version of Harley. Theres to many to pick from. Inspiration comes from everywhere.